Monday, March 30, 2009

Track meet fun!!!!

YEA!!! Just got back from our track meet with LOTS OF GOOD NEWS!!!
I was in three events, 800, 4x4, and long jump. I got second place in the 800, and that is what the video is of. I was so close to getting 1st. But the girl that won was also the girl that got 2nd in the mile.I also broke a personal best time in the 800, last year my best was 3:10, this year my practice time was 3:08 and today I got 2:48!!! 22 seconds better.
Our 4x4 got 2nd also, our time was 5:01. So I will have 2 medals.
In the long jump, I jumped 12 feet 5 3/4 inches. I got 4th place, and was SO close to getting third. I would have needed to jump 2 inches farther.
The even better part was that our 8th grade girls team got 1st over all!!! SO A BIG NIGHT!!!!
But I'm so ready for bed!!!

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