Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Days

More snow!! We are yet again out of school for a snow day. Last night we received the call, and today we have been just around the house watching The Office. Here are some pictures from Sunday afternoon. Me, Josie, and Abi went sledding at the dam. We had a really good time!

Sunday night after we got done sledding, we went to our youth pastor's house to watch the Superbowl. We played games, had a huge snowball fight, and cheered for the Green Bay Packers. It was all in all a wonderful night.

Monday night we had a basketball game in Ash Grove. Yesterday, the highlight of my day was having my picture taken for a track preview!

My plans for today consist of finishing up season six of The Office, work on some cross stitching projects, read my book ( Chanda's Wars) , and pick up my messy room.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hmm.. where to begin? It's been a while since I've last blogged. So I have a lot of catching up to do.
First off, this past week we have been snowed in! Starting Tuesday morning and throughout the day we received a foot and a half of snow. Josie (my next door neighbor/ BFF) and I went out to play in the blizzard Tuesday afternoon. It was freezing, but quite an adventure! Wednesday afternoon all five of us cousins, Alex, Jacob, Drew, Tate, and myself went sledding down the driveway. I had a great time playing with the boys! Yesterday, Josie came over for the afternoon. We watched The Office, after which we went into the kitchen and put some scissors and a potato in Jello. (those of you who watch The Office will understand) Later we went over to Josie's house for dinner, and went from there to my youth pastor's house for a game night. It was a really fun night with a group of great friends. Afterwards I came home with Josie and spent the night at her house. Today her mom made us a yummy breakfast, and then we watched Mama Mia. It's been a wonderful week home from school!

I never really posted about how my cross country season turned out. I got to run in 6 meets during the season. My first meet was in Ash Grove, in which I came in second place. Another Saturday in Humansville I ran, coming in 4th. I also placed second at Lakeland, and Ash Grove again. Then at Districts which was in East Newton I came in 9th place. On November 6th, in Jeff City, I ran at state. I came in 34th place in Class 2. State was an amazing experience, and I'm very excited for next year and hopefully going back again.
This Christmas was wonderful! Our first Christmas was actually at Thanksgiving with the Zumbiel family, Grandma Charlie, and Elizabeth. We had Thanksgiving in Mt. Vernon at grandma Charlie's house, and Christmas at our house a few days later. Then Christmas eve we went to Kay and Papa's house at usual. Christmas morning, Kay, Papa, grandma Charlie, and grandma Billye came over to watch us open presents.
New years eve, we celebrated by having the Hubbard family out to our house for cards!
So far basketball season is going good, we've been very busy with games and practices.

Softball season went very well! We came in second at districts.

School is going well, my classes this year are computer apps, algebra 2, Integrated science, American history, English 2, health, personal finance, and strength training. For softball first semester I got Academic all-state.